Lycopodium spores are obtained from club moss, lycopodium clavatum linn. Significance of pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine practiced in india viz. Of fo particles w weight of lycopodium spores m weight of sample p pure foreign organic matter present in sample 14 15. Lycopodium spore method was performed on ingredients of shatavaryadi churna, an ayurvedic formulation used as immunomodulator, galactagogue, aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry i practical 4 hoursw eek 1. Data sources include ibm watson micromedex updated 4 may 2020, cerner multum updated 4 may 2020. A powder drug is evaluated by this technique, if it contains i well defined particles which may be counted.
The gpat question paper along with the response sheet will be available in the form of pdf. Contents of the topics learning objectives teaching guidelines methodology timehrs 1. Pharmacodynamicsmechanism of drug action, receptors, classification and drug receptors interaction, combined effect of drugs, factors modifying drug action. Study of quantitative microscopic methods leaf constants and lycopodium spore method. Determination of percentage purity of crude drugs by using lycopodium spore method. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 244k, or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Pdf tablets with spores used in absolute pollen analysis. Nov 06, 2014 lycopodium demonstration at south downs magicians club. W mg of lycopodium powder powder contains 94000 x w number of spores. Dailymed lycopodium clavatum lycopodium clavatum spore. Gpat question papers 2021 national testing agency is the authority competent to release the gpat 2021 question papers and response sheet tentatively in the fourth week of january.
The plant belongs to the lycopodiaceae family and is related to mosses and ferns. Issn a better understanding of pharmacological activities. Jun 20, 2016 c determination of foreign organic matter. The name lycopodium comes from the greek language and is composed by lico meaning wolf and podio meaning foot and it is due to the similarity of the plant to the shape of a wolfs foot. Lycopodium clavatum is a sporebearing vascular plant, growing mainly prostrate along the ground with stems up to 1 m 39 in long. Lycopodium spores are very characterized in shape and appearance and uniform in size25. Jul 17, 2017 lycopodium or club mosses have two parts to the life cycle, sexual and asexual. Physicochemical properties of sorghum starch were determined by comparing the polarization effects with those of potato and maize starches.
Introductory pharmacognosy historical development, modern concept and scope of pharmacognosy. Application of column, paper, and thin layer chromatographic techniques, for the isolation of phytopharmaceuticals. Single layered cells or tissues the area of which may be traced under suitable magnification and actual area calculated 3. Curriculum pharmacognosy and phytochemistryi theory. What is lycopodium spore method of analysis answers. Determination of number of starch grains by lycopodium spore method.
Lycopodium lycopodium clavatum is a perennial evergreen plant that grows in pastures, woodlands, heaths, and moors of great britain, northern europe, and north america. Lycopodium demonstration at south downs magicians club. Volatile matter mostly the volatile matter present in the raw material can be estimated by steam distillation. They are very light possessing thin exine formed of concentric lamellae, and a. This analytical technique is used when chemical and other methods of evaluation of crude drugs fail as accurate measures of quantity.
Lycopodium is sometimes admixed with pine pollen, starchy materials, and various inorganic substances, as sulfur, talc and gypsum. In pharmacy it is used to prevent the adhering of pills and suppositories. Lycopodia are plants that grow in the ground, and sexually reproduce not with pollen and flowers, but with spores. The direct link to check gpat question paper 2021 along with the response sheet will be provided on this page after its. It has a slender stem that trails along the ground and vertical branches that grow to 34 in 7.
Principle and procedure involved in biological test of the following. The otc potency range of lycopodium is 2x30x, 1c30c, 200c, 1m, 10m, 50m, and cm. Estimation of diagnostic characters of each ingredient of shatavaryadi churna individually was carried out. Pharmacognosy and phytochemistryi theory subject code. Modified lycopodium spore method has been developed for simple and rapid quantification of dried powder of plants and its parts.
Standardization of an ayurvedic powdered formulation by. Principles and procedures of microtomy and advanced histological techniques as applied to pharmacognosy. Write chemical assay method of any crude drug from official book write down at least 2 identification tests for carbohydrates, alkaloids, glycosides, fixed oils and tannins prepare a list of the approximate value of phytochemical constituents in 5 crude drugs e. Quantitative microscopy, including lycopodium spore method as applied to drug evaluation and pollen grain analysis.
It is an important analytical technique for powder drugs, especially when chemical and another method of evaluation of crude drugs fail as an accurate measure of quality. Micrometers and measurement of microscopic characters. The subject involves the fundamentals of pharmacognosy like scope, classification of. Lycopodium clavatum lycopodium clavatum spore pellet out of scope out of scope for rxnorm and will not receive rxnorm normal forms.
Data sources include ibm watson micromedex updated 4 may 2020, cerner multum updated 4 may 2020, wolters kluwer updated. Isolation and detection of active principles, atropine. Lycopodium spores and sst76 microspheres onto a silicon surface, lycopodium spores and sst76 microspheres onto a formica surface, and lycopodium spore silicon and lycopodium spore formica. The branches bearing strobili or spore cones turn erect. Out of scope information includes radiopharmaceuticals, contrast media, herbals, homeopathics, and food. Determination of vein islet number, vein islet termination and paliside ratio. They do, however transport nutrients through xylem and phloem, like other plants, and they send shoots along the ground to seek out and find new areas. They are very light possessing thin exine formed of concentric lamellae, and a granular intine. The germination of the spores may be immediate in some species e. When it is mixed with air, the spores formed are highly flammable and are used to create flashes or flames as theatrical special effects. Full text full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version.
Determination of extractive values of crude drugs 9. Determination of number of starch grains by lycopodium. Lycopodium spores and sst76 microspheres onto a silicon surface, lycopodium spores and sst76 microspheres onto a formica surface, and lycopodium sporesilicon and lycopodium sporeformica. Lycopodium or club mosses have two parts to the life cycle, sexual and asexual. Ash values purity of the raw material can be analysed by determining the. Lycopodium is homosporous, therefore, spore germinates exosporically to produce gametophytic prothallus, which bears both male and female sex organs i. Introduction to pharmacology definition, scope and source of drugs, dosage form and routes of drug administration.
The herb of belladonna consists of dried leaves of atropa belladonna linn. Syllabus pharmacognosy and phytochemistryi theory b. B pharmacy 2nd year, 4th semester name of the subject. Lycopodium is commonly known as club moss due to their moss like appearance and. Lycopodium is composed of spores of lycopodium elavatum. Lycopodium powder is a yellowtan dustlike powder, consisting of the dry spores of clubmoss plants, or various fern relatives. Validated modified lycopodium spore method development for.
Lycopodium spore method was performed on ingredients of shatavaryadi. Gpat pharmacognosy syllabus 2021 get syllabus pdf here. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Atropine is an alkaloid containing tropane belongs to family solanaceae. Lycopodium spores are very characteristic in shape and appearance and exceptionally uniform in size 25 mm. Determination of swelling index and foaming recommended books. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.
Aim of the experiment is to isolate and detect the active constituent, atropine present in belladonna. Lycopodium spore method, stomatal number, stomatal index, palisade ratio, veinislet number, and veintermination number. Validated modified lycopodium spore method has been developed for simple and rapid quantification of herbal powdered drugs. The spores are yellow in colour, spheroidol, tetrahedral in shape with reticulate surface.
General methods used for the extraction, isolation, and identification of alkaloids, lipids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, volatile oils and resins. This way lycopodium is similar to most of the ferns and equisetum. The results show that surface roughness of both the microparticleand the substrate surfaces has dramatic e. It includes quantitative microscopy like lycopodium spore method, leaf constants, linear measurements, etc. Determination of moisture content of crude drugs 10. Scope and limitations of plant drugs cultivation, factors influencing quality of plant and animal drugs cultivation, importance. Mainly, it is cultivated in england, european countries, india himachal pradesh, kashmir. Pharmacokineticsmechanism and principle of absorption, distribution, metabolism and. Lycopodium is used as a dusting powder to protect tender surfaces and as an absorbent. Determination of number of starch grains by lycopodium spore method 7.
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